About Rebecca

rebecca Rosencline, CHHC

With over a decade of health education, coaching, and administrative experience, Rebecca helps clients close the gap between where they are, and where they want to be.

Through her coaching practice, Rose & Shine Wellness, Rebecca meets clients wherever they are currently at in their health journey, and uniquely applies her expertise and experience to guide clients in highly individualized, customized health coaching programs that are grounded in proven, evidence-based techniques. She also helps them implement clinical recommendations from any other practitioners they are seeing, while reducing overwhelm and using proven tools and methods that significantly increase health outcomes. Rebecca also consults for and coaches many of Philadelphia’s top clinicians, helping them to prevent burnout and to build thriving, organized, and efficient practices.

Rebecca’s specialties include:

  • Goal-setting, motivation and accountability around health-related aspects of a client’s life, including habit, routine, and system building to create sustainable lifestyle changes. Health-related aspects can range from nutrition, exercise, sleep, and stress management to more holistic considerations (for example, prioritizing time for other important parts of a client’s life, like relationships and hobbies)

  • Burnout education, recovery, and prevention

  • Nutrition support, including meal prepping education, food sensitivity support, and anti-candida and ketogenic protocols (done with a great deal of mindfulness towards navigating health needs versus diet culture)

  • Assisting in diagnosed health issues including ADHD, chronic gastrointestinal and autoimmune issues, and hormonal concerns including PCOS

  • Helping clients build their health teams as needed, and collaborating with other existing members of a client’s health team on their care plan

Rebecca is qualified as an Integrative Medicine professional, Certified Holistic Health Coach and IIN graduate, MUIH Clinical Nutrition Masters student, and McGill University Psychology graduate. She has been a health coach, educator, and program specialist for FoodCorps, Whole Foods Market, Optum Health Coaching, United Healthcare Corporate Wellness Coaching, Philadelphia Integrative Medicine and Dr. Georgia Tetlow, Philadelphia Functional Nutrition and Rachel Hershberger, MS, CNS, LDN, Dr. Patricia Lotito, MD, Dr. Caitlin Redding, DC, and more. She values having a client-centered approach, and both teaching clients how to be empowered self-advocates, as well as advocating on behalf of clients whenever necessary in navigating the healthcare system. With a passion for staying up-to-date on health studies, she regularly keeps up with scientific journal publications and is also currently pursuing a Masters of Science degree as she works towards adding a license in clinical nutrition (MS, CNS, LDN) to her skill set, to expand her scope of care.

Interested in working with Rebecca? Email her here, or book a complimentary 20 minute consultation call with her here. Starting with a complimentary consultation call is important, as this will help ensure that Rebecca’s scope and specializations are the right fit for your needs. Currently, she is accepting new clients, and offers appointments both in-person at her office in Devon, PA, and remotely via phone and video.

Clinicians and Practitioners are also more than welcome to book a 20 minute complimentary phone consultation or reach out via email, both for client referrals and collaboration, and for any interest they may have in becoming a consulting client.